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  • Writer's pictureThayer S. Low

2018 Land Rover National Rally

Photo by Peter Hope

Two thousand eighteen was the first year I attended the Land Rover National Rally. Or any Land Rover rally for that matter! I had joined the planning committee for the last few months getting everything prepped and could not wait to join in the fun.

Photos by Penny Dale

After an unfortunate turn of events, Penny and I arrived at the Rally in a rental Dodge Journey -yes, pause for laughter- which we at least decorated in good spirits. After all, Land Rovers are not exactly known for being the most reliable cars.

Fellow rover enthusiast were kind enough to give us rides as well as turns at driving their rigs. Besides being an overall killer experience in Moab, Penny and I led the first ever all Women's Trail Run at the Land Rover National Rally! One lady drove for the first time in many years and was inspired by her new found confidence off-road to start driving on-road again! That made my day!

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